5 Benefits of CBD

CBD is a chemical substance from cannabidiol, and its benefits are numerous. CBD acts on the central nervous system, but unlike THC, the main active molecule of CBD, considered a drug, CBD has no psychoactive effect. Consuming CBD does not lead to addiction.

CBD is an extract of plant like any other, with its own active ingredients that act on various ailments and allow to relieve the people who consume it. Zoom in on 5 benefits of CBD for health.

CBD is a natural analgesic
CBD, also known as cannabidiol, has powerful analgesic and relaxing properties. It allows them to better cope with pain. Unlike its cousin THC which attaches to CB1 and CB2 receptors located in the central nervous system, the precise mechanism of action of CBD is still under study.

On the other hand, it is known that it can reduce pain: in a study conducted in 2019 by an international cohort of researchers, and published in the scientific journal Pain, CBD has been shown to be as effective as a classic painkiller for short-term pain relief. According to this study, cannabidiol has very important analgesic and anxiolytic properties.

CBD, therefore, has natural benefits against all forms of pain, particularly in the following cases:

  • Painful joints
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Headaches
  • Painful periods
  • Osteoarthritis, spondylarthritis

CBD is a natural sleep aid
Thanks to its relaxing and anxiolytic effects, CBD promotes sleep. It, therefore, allows avoiding resorting to sleeping pills whose effects are detrimental to health. The consumption of CBD improves the quality of sleep.
It is more restorative and night awakenings are less frequent. A study (Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series, 2019) showed that sleep improved for 66.7% of patients who consumed CBD for one month.

CBD is a powerful anti-stress
Taking CBD helps the body to fight emotional stress and anxiety in general, by promoting relaxation and relaxation. Cannabidiol is particularly indicated for people prone to chronic stress and anxiety.

CBD even shows extremely interesting results in the treatment of depression, but also against obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The consumption of CBD also offers better resistance to pressure and increases effectiveness at work. All this, without ever leading to addiction.

CBD and neurological disorders
Another benefit attributed to CBD is its non-addictive action allows it to fight against certain neurological disorders.

Cannabidiol, therefore, has a strong medical potential in the relief of disorders such as dystonia (prolonged, involuntary contractions of the muscles of one or more parts of the body) or epilepsy: acting as a true sedative, CBD allows for prevention and relief crises.

Its calming action can also help to decrease the intensity of crises in the context of Parkinson’s disease, for example.

Finally, several studies have shown that CBD is particularly effective in relieving the symptoms of schizophrenia, acting as well as antipsychotics while causing fewer side effects from the best cbd uk.

CBD against skin conditions
CBD is also effective in fighting against different skin problems. CBD reduces lipid synthesis and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, thus helping to prevent and treat acne. Its anti-inflammatory effects help to control outbreaks and make them disappear. CBD also helps to soothe and heal eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions caused by inflammation.